About Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed.
- Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator
- Florida Qualified Parenting Coordinator
- Trained Neutral for Collaborative Law Practice
- Trained Elder and Family Decision-Making Mediator
- Florida Circuit approved Eldercaring Coordinator
- Past President Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (www.AFCCnet.org)
- Past President Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (www.FLAFCC.org))
- Task Force Co-Chair, Association for Conflict Resolution, Elder Justice Initiative on Eldercaring Coordinator
- Former Supervisor of Family Court Services, 11th Judicial Circuit, Miami-Dade County, Florida
After 26 years of public service in Family Court Services of the 11th Judicial Circuit, Florida, Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed. is bringing her conflict resolution services to clients locally, throughout the United States and internationally, continuing her dedication to assist:
- couples
- parents who are separating, divorced or never married, with minor or adult children
- elders and vulnerable adults and their families
- individuals
She is also available for consultation and co-mediation with family law, mental health and financial professionals, organization program development, facilitation and professional training. Ms. Fieldstone brings an appreciation for diversity and cultural humility to all of her work.
Ms. Fieldstone has helped thousands of court-ordered individuals, couples and families in high conflict situations to resolve non-legal family-related issues, allowing their legal processes to move forward without further delays. As a High Conflict Resolution Specialist, her expertise includes:
- co-parenting and time-sharing
- developing parenting plans
- parenting coordination
- managing the effects of trauma resulting from parental separation, relocation, child alienation and estrangement, domestic violence and substance abuse
- marital reconciliation
- family conflict resolution
- shared family decision-making
- eldercaring coordination
- triage based referrals to appropriate providers
Ms. Fieldstone is Past-President of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) and Past President of its Florida Chapter (FLAFCC), and has been commended in addition by each organization. She was Secretary of the AFCC Task Force on Parenting Coordination, which provided Guidelines for Parenting Coordination in 2005, and initiated the AFCC Parenting Coordination Listserve. She served on numerous Florida Bar Association and Florida Supreme Court Committees on Parenting Coordination, was involved in the process toward its legislation in Florida, and has been on the Florida Supreme Court Rules and Policies Committee.
Most recently, she initiated the creation of the Association of Conflict Resolution (ACR) and FLAFCC Task Forces on Eldercaring Coordination, which used the Parenting Coordination model to develop a process to benefit elders involved with high conflict families. The development of Eldercaring Coordination Guidelines were a groundbreaking collaboration of 20 US/Canadian organizations and 20 Florida statewide organizations, resulting in the ACR Elder Justice Initiative in Eldercaring Coordination. Five states are now piloting eldercaring coordination. More information is available at www.EldercaringCoordinationFL.org.
- http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/fcre.12172/abstract
- http://www.americanbar.org/publications/bifocal/vol_36/issue_1_october2014/acr_eldercaring_guidelines.html
Under her leadership as Supervisor, Family Court Services of the 11th Judicial Circuit, Miami-Dade County, Florida, became a model for other courts statewide, nationally and internationally, providing consultation for countries including Australia, Canada, Caribbean Islands, Columbia, China, Egypt, Ireland, Israel Japan and Spain.
Throughout her professional career, she has initiated various groundbreaking collaborations between professionals and organizations to improve services and responses to children, elders, and families.
Ms. Fieldstone has written numerous articles, consulted and provided training internationally in areas including co-parenting and gatekeeping, empirically based parenting plans, parenting coordination, effects of high conflict and domestic violence on children and families, trauma informed care, eldercaring coordination, professional ethics, differentiated case management, program development and court services.
Morley, M., Fieldstone, L., and Bronson, S. (2022). Eldercaring Coordination: Addressing the Storm of Contentious Family Relationships Jeopardizing the Welfare of Aging Loved Ones, American Bar Association GP/Solo publication (pending)
Fieldstone, L., Gonzalez, M., and Morley, M. (2022). Eldercaring coordination: An introduction to the newest alternative dispute resolution method in Florida, Family Law Commentator, Florida Bar Association, Vol. XXVI, Issue 2. https://familylawfla.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Fam-2022-ISSUE-2-web-final.pdf
Fieldstone, L. and Mars, L. (2021). Eldercaring Coordination: Abuse Intervention in Guardianship. National Center on Elder Abuse Blog, https://ncea.acl.gov/NCEA-Blog/Nov-18-2021.aspx
Fieldstone, L., Ward, P., Karlan, S., Merlin, R.J. (2021). Blueprint for a more effective family court intake process and beyond: Opening the umbrella to process family court cases. Florida Bar Journal, 95(6), November/December.
Lang, M. and Nicholson, P. (2021). Family Conflict During a Pandemic: Stories of Struggle and Hope, OGX Group.
Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S., and Morley, M. (2020). Eldercaring coordination: The time is now. The Michigan Dispute Resolution Journal, Spring/ Summer, 10-14.
Carter, D.K. and Fieldstone, L. eds. (2020). Guest editor’s introduction to special issue on parenting coordination. Carter, D. and Fieldstone, L., (Eds.), Family Court Review, 58 (3), 641-643.
Yasinik, L., Graham, J. and Fieldstone, L. (2020). Child voice in parenting coordination: A model of inclusion; Carter, D. and Fieldstone, L., (Eds.) Family Court Review, 58(3), 760-773.
Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L. (2020) Every Generation Matters; In Lang, M. and Nicholson, P. (Eds.) Living Together, Separating, Divorcing: Surviving During a Pandemic, independent publisher, Amazon.
Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L. (2020) “I Just Want My Family to Get Along: Eldercaring Coordination, A Pathway to Justice and a Legacy of Peace”; Terry, S. (Ed.), More Justice, More Peace: When Peacemakers are Advocates, Roman & Littlefield, New York.
King, A., McHale, J., Carter, D., Fieldstone, L. (2020). Perspectives of mothers, fathers and parenting coordinators concerning the process and impact of parenting coordination, Family Court Review, 58(1), 211-226. https://doi.org/10.1111/fcre.12462
Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S. and Morley, M., eds. (2020). ACResolution Magazine issue on eldercaring coordination; From the Editors, Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S. and Morley, M.; The Whole Point of Research: Informing the Practice of Eldercaring Coordination and Beyond, Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S.; Association for Conflict Resolution, January.
Eldercaring Coordination: An Intergenerational Model of Conflict Resolution (2018). Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S., and Morley, M., United Nations Presentation in Honor of 2018 World Abuse Awareness Day: Moving from Awareness to Action through a Human Rights Based Approach: Focusing on Advancing Autonomy for Older Persons and Preventing Abuse and Neglect, ACResolution, December; Association of Family and Conciliation Courts ENews, July.
Fieldstone, L, & Bronson, S., (2018),.Eldercaring Coordination in Your Community or Your Law Practice: New Approaches to Dealing with High-Conflict Families. Journal of the National Academy for Elder Law Attorneys, Winter.
Fieldstone, L., (2018). Eldercaring Coordination Update, Florida Dispute Resolution Center Newsletter: The Neutral July 2018 Edition, Florida Supreme Court, Volume 3, Issue 2, http://www.flcourts.org/core/fileparse.php/549/urlt/TheNeutral.pdf
Fieldstone, L. (ed.). Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Newsletter, dedicated in entirety to eldercaring coordination, August 2018, https://flafcc.org/category/newsletter/.
Fieldstone, L., Morley, M., Nutter, K. (2017). Top ten Tips: Relating to elders and families in their ‘gray” years; Next ten tips: How eldercaring coordination can make a difference with high conflict families regarding the care and safety of elders. Florida Chapter of the Association for Families and Conciliation Courts Newsletter. Summer/Fall.
Mandarino, K., Kline-Pruett, M., and Fieldstone, L. (2016). Co-parenting in highly conflicted separation/divorce: Learning about experiences of parenting coordination, legal and mental health interventions. Family Court Review, 54(4), 564-577.
Fieldstone, L. and Morley, M. (2016). New Option for High Conflict Families Regarding the Care and Safety of Elders. National Academy of Probate Judges Newsletter, Fall.
Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S. (2016). Eldercaring coordination: an effective response to family conflict. Aging Today, American Society on Aging, Vol. xxxvii(6), 1/16.
Fieldstone, L. and Morley, M. (2016). Florida Eldercaring Coordination Initiative: Humane Response to High Conflict Cases Regarding Our Oldest Family Members. Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Newsletter, August.
Clark, A, and Swall, L. (2015) “Ten Ethical Considerations for Parenting Coordinators,” “Top Ten Tips on Court Program and Community Collaborations” and “Crating a Circuit-Supported Family Program.” Ask the experts from the AFCC eNews: Guidance from leading family law professionals. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, October.
Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S. and Morley, M. (2015) ACR guidelines for eldercaring coordination. Family Court Review, 53(4), 542-561.
Fieldstone, L., Merlin, R. and Karlan, S. (2015) Keys to success in the parenting coordination process. American Journal of Family Law, 29(3) 143-149.
Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S. (2015). ACR guidelines for eldercaring coordination: From conflict to collaboration toward the care and safety of elders. Conflict Resolution Quarterly. 32(4), 414, 434.
Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L. (2014). From friction to fireworks: Eldercaring coordination sheds light in high-conflict cases. American Bar Association Publishing, 24(3).
Fieldstone, L. (2014) Ensuring a place for family court services in the family court of the future: Do or die. Family Court Review, 52(4) 627-631.
Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S. (2013) Eldercaring coordination for high-conflict cases involving elders and vulnerable adults. ACResolution, Summer, 22-15.
Austin, A., Fieldstone, L. and Pruett, M. K. (2013). Bench book for assessing parental gatekeeping in parenting disputes: Understanding the dynamics of gate closing and opening for the best interests of children. Journal of Child Custody, 10:1-16.
Fieldstone, L., Lee, M., Baker, J. and McHale, J. (2012). Perspectives on parenting coordination: Views of parenting coordinators, attorneys, and judiciary members. Family Court Review, 50(3) ,441-454.
Fieldstone, L., Carter, D., King, T. and McHale, J. (2011). Training, skills and practices of parenting coordinators: Florida statewide study. Family Court Review, 49(4), 801-817.
Henry, W.J., Fieldstone, L., Thompson, M., Treharne, K. (2011). Parenting coordination as an antidote for high conflict divorce and court re-litigation. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 52(7), 455-471.
Parenting Plan Taskforce of the Florida Chapter of the Association of Family & Conciliation Courts, (2010). Empirically based parenting plans: What every professional needs to know. Professional Resource Press, Inc., Sarasota, Florida.
Mooreland, D., Fieldstone, L. and Carter, D. (2009). Benchbook on Empirically Based Parenting Plans, Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts/Office of State Court Administrator.
Henry, W., Fieldstone, L, and Bohac, K. (2009), Re-litigation in family court cases: A case study, Family Court Review, 47(4), 682-697.
Fieldstone, L., Karlan, S. and Kreeger, L. (2009). Top ten tips on court program and community collaboration,” AFCC ENews, January.
Ericson, C., Ed. (2009). Innovations in Family Court Services, Fieldstone, L. and Bryans, W. Sr. Eds. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Madison, Wisconsin.
Deutsch, R.M., Coates, C.A., and Fieldstone, L. (2008). Parenting coordination: An emerging role to assist high conflict families. In Fieldstone, L.B. and Coates, C.A., eds., Innovations in Interventions with High Conflict Families, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Madison, Wisconsin.
Olson, K. and Ver Steegh, N. eds. (2008) Innovations in Family Law Practice, Fieldstone, L. and Bryans, W., Sr. Eds., Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Madison Wisconsin.
Fieldstone, L. and Karlan, S. (2007). Parenting coordination in unified family court cases, AFCC NEWS, Summer.
Fieldstone, L. and Zollo, N. (2007). Top ten ethical considerations for parenting coordinators, AFCC ENews, September.
Carter, D. and Fieldstone, L. (2006) Parenting coordination: Promote peace accord for high conflict family cases, ACResolution Magazine, Academy of Conflict Resolution, Fall.
AFCC Task Force on Parenting Coordination (2005). Guidelines for parenting coordination. Family Court Review, 44(1), 162-181.
Bacher, N., Fieldstone, L. and Jonasz, J. (2004) The role of parenting coordination in the court, Journal of American Family Law, Summer, Vol. 19, Number 2.
Fieldstone, L. (2003) 11th Circuit response to reducing the emotional distress for families involved in the legal system, The Commentator, Family Law Section of the Florida Bar, Fall.
Fieldstone, L. and Shapiro, H. (2003) Parenting coordination in Florida, Florida Family Therapy News, Fall.
Firestone, G., Fieldstone, L., Starnes, H. (2003). Parenting coordination in Florida: Current status and future directions, The Commentator, Family Law Section of the Florida Bar, Spring 17-28.
Eldercaring Coordination, Why If A Guardian Is On The Case?, Fieldstone, L. and Morley, M., Florida State Guardianship Conference Webinar, January
Civility and Solutions Podcast Episode 13: Eldercaring Coordination, Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S., The Supreme Court of Ohio Court Services Division, February (Supreme Court of Ohio Dispute Resolution Section Podcast Series made it onto the international dispute resolution news service and distribution list of the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program Dispute Systems Design Clinic at Harvard Law School), https://youtu.be/jAd0bbd2Z_A
All for One and One for All: Intersection of Professional Roles with Older Florida Families, Fieldstone, L., Morley, M., Bronson, S., Workshop, Florida Chapter of the Association for Family and Conciliation Courts in collaboration with Florida Supreme Court OSCA Advanced Educational Event, February
Aging: A Family Affair Across the Globe, Blessitt, B., Morley, M., Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S., Tribble, W., Plenary, Florida Chapter of the Association for Family and Conciliation Courts in collaboration with Florida Supreme Court OSCA Advanced Educational Event, February
Abuse Prevention: Trailing a New Approach from the US in Australia, Barry, L., Tebbey, N., Cochrane, S., Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S., National Elder Abuse Conference AU, Tasmania, February
Conflict is Viral: Eldercaring Coordination and Eldercaring Conflict Checklist, Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S.; Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference, May (pending)
Enhancing the Voice of Older Australians in Complex Family Dynamics, Tebby, N., Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S., Bagshaw, D., Symposium, Australian Institute of Family Studies, June (pending)
Family Feud: Take a Break with Section 44.407, Morley, M. and Fieldstone, L.; Florida Circuit Judges Conference, August (pending).
2021 *Presentations canceled due to Covid 19 included.
Our Family Wizard Tutorial: Enhancing Communication for Older Families, Katrina Volker, Linda Fieldstone, Sue Bronson, Elder Justice Initiative on Eldercaring Coordination Webinar, January.
Fieldstone, Sue Bronson, Elder Justice Initiative on Eldercaring Coordination Webinar, January.
Introduction to Eldercaring Coordination, Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S., Harbin-Lamb, A., Michigan Elder Law and Disability Rights Webinar, March.
Tailoring conflict Resolution to the Needs of Michigan Families: Elder Mediation and Eldercaring Coordination, Harbin-Lamb, A., Zumeta, Z., Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S., Michigan Bar Association Dispute Resolution Section, Webinar, March.
Innovative Practices in Cases Involving Elder Abuse, Morley, M., Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S., Carlson, C. Solomon, J. National Council of Jufenile and Family Court Judges, Webinar, March.
Parenting Coordination Training Primer, Fieldstone, L., Children’s Law Project of Hawaii, March.
See Evil, Hear Evil, Speak Evil: What Goes Around Comes Around Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S., Association of Family and Concilation Courts Virtual Conference, on-demand.
Voices or Ghosts? The Place of Children in Parenting Coordination, Part II. Yasinik, L., Graham, J. and Fieldstone, L., Association of Family and Concilation Courts Virtual Conference, on-demand.
Financial Elder Abuse: Civil, Criminal and Non-Litigation Strategies to Help Elders Facing in Financial Exploitation, Fieldstone, L. and McNeal, M. H., Practising Law Institute, July.
Psychology of Ageing, Vilajoana Celaya, J., Fieldstone, Lozano Raimi, L., Moratella Gellida, T., L.,V. Congreso Nacional de Psicologia, Spain, July.
Family Wars and Battling Behaviors: Finding the Force Withink to Generate Positive Change, Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L. Association for Conflict Resolution Conference, September.
Eldercaring Coordinator Training, Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L., Ohio Supreme Court, October.
Eldercaring Coordination, Michigan Bar Association, Dispute Resolution Section, Conference, Zena Zumeta, Kristie King, Antonia Harbin, Linda Fieldstone, and Sue Bronson, October.
Eldercaring Coordination: Address Family Conflict to Protect Older Adults and Future Generations, Fieldstone, L., Bronson, M. Saini, International Federation on Ageing/15th Global Conference on Ageing, November.
Eldercaring Coordination: Stopping the Legacy of Elder Abuse, Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S., International Federation on Ageing/15th Global Conference on Ageing, November.
Abuse Prevention in High Conflict Families: Lessons from a new approach in the USA and its potential implementation in Australia, Tebbey N. and Fieldstone, L. 10th World Summit on Elder Mediation, November.
Eldercaring Coordination, Morley, M. and Fieldstone, L. Florida Association of Florida Magistrates and Hearing Officers and OSCA, December.
Florida Circuit Judge’s Virtual Conference, Webinar / December 2 / Judge Michelle Morley and Linda Fieldstone, December.
Eldercaring Coordination: What Caregivers Need to Know, Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L., The Great Voice Podcast (Michigan): https://thegreatvoice.com/Episode/eldercaring-coordination-what-caregivers-need-to-know.
Eldercaring Coordinator Training, Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L., Florida, December.
2020 *Presentations canceled due to Covid 19 included.
Eldercaring Plan: The Engine in the Eldercaring Coordination Process (Webinar), Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S, ACR/FLAFCC Eldercaring Coordination Initiative, January.
Florida 15th Circuit Mandatory One-Hour Training on Eldercaring Coordination, Hon. Ticktin, J.; Hon. Morley, M.; Smith, T.; Tetunic, F.; and Fieldstone, L., Palm Beach County Courthouse, Florida, February.
*Australian Bi-Yearly Institute of Family Studies Conference, Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S., Bagshaw, D., and Saini, M.,
Voices or Ghosts? The Place of Children in Parenting Coordination. Yasinik, L., Graham, J. and Fieldstone, L., Association of Family and Concilation Courts Parenting Coordination Flash Series, August (*also moved to Virtual Conference 2021).
Introduction to Eldercaring Coordination, Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S., Zumeta., Z. , Harbin, A., Michigan Senior Resource Collaborative (Webinar), August.
Ethics in Elder Mediation and Eldercaring Coordination: The Clock is Ticking Fieldstone, L., Tetunic. F., and Torres, K., Florida Dispute Resolution Center Conference (Virtual), August.
Eldercaring Coordination Webinar, Morley, M., Fieldstone, L., and Bronson, S., National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, October.
Eldercaring Coordination Webinar, Morley, M., Fieldstone, L. and Kirby, N., Maryland Guardianship Network, October.
Fit the Family Needs: Comparing Elder Mediation and Eldercaring Coordination, Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L., Association for Conflict Resolution Conference (Virtual), October.
ACR Elder Justice Initiative on Eldercaring Coordinator 28 Hour Training, Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L., Fourth Judicial District, Boise, Idaho, October.
*International Federation on Ageing (workshop and symposium), Fieldstone., L. and Bronson, S., Niagara Falls, November moved to November 2021.
The Time is Now: Bringing Eldercaring Coordination to Australia and New Zealand. Fieldstone, L. Morley, M., Bronson, S., Bagshaw D., Collins, L., Elder Mediation Australasian Network and Resolution Institute, New Zealand, December.
“I just want my family to get along”: Older Family Conflict and Relational Strain in Times of Uncertaintly, Saini, M., Fieldstone, L., and Morley, M., Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Virtual Conference, Webinar, December.
*International Federation on Ageing (workshop and symposium), Fieldstone., L. and Bronson, S., Niagra Falls, November moved to November 2021.
ACR Elder Justice Initiative on Eldercaring Coordinator 28 Hour Training, Bronson, S. & Fieldstone, L., Orange County Court, Santa Ana, California, February.
Family Feud? Use either mediation and Eldercaring Coordination to Manage High Conflict Litigation, Gross, S., Fieldstone, L., & Zemeta, Z., ABA Dispute Resolution Section Spring Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April.
Deflate Family Conflict and Elevate Elder Safety Through Eldercaring Coordination, Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S., & Morley, M., Australia Annual National Mediation Conference, Canberra, Australia, April.
Eldercaring Coordination Pilot Site Training, Fieldstone, L. & Morley, M., Idaho Annual Magistrate/ Judges Conference, Cours de Lane, Idaho, April.
Eldercaring Coordination: Family Conflict Has No Borders! Bronson, S., Fieldstone, L., Geyer, C., & Martin, J., Association of Family and Conciliation Courts 56th Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, May.
ACR Elder Justice Initiative on Eldercaring Coordination 28 Hour Training, Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L., Annapolis Courthouse, Maryland, May.
Nuts and Bolts on Eldercaring Coordination, Bowers, C., Fieldstone, L., Smith, T. Tickton, J., Torres, K., Florida State Guardianship Conference, Miami, FL, July.
Respect Your Elders: Families, Elders, Abuse, Exploitation and Eldercaring Coordination, Bowers, C., Fieldstone, L., and Torres, K. Florida Dispute Resolution Conference, Orlando, Florida, August.
Eldercaring Coordination to Mitigate Intergenerational Influences of Family Conflict from Cradle to Grave, Fieldstone, L., Morley, M. and Rodriguez, J., National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, August.
Eldercaring Coordination and Beyond: Ethical Dilemmas Regarding Intergenerational Conflict, Fieldstone, L., Morley, M., & Tetunic, F., Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Conference, Orlando, Florida, September.
Healing the Older Family Divide with Eldercaring Coordinatio, Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L., Association for Conflict Resolution Annual Conference, Tuscan, Arizonal, September.
ACR Elder Justice Initiative on Eldercaring Coordinator 28 Hour Training, Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L., Fourth Judicial District, Boise, Idaho, October.
Eldercaring Coordination and Its Implementation in Courts Across the Country (Plenary Session), Bronson, S., Fieldstone, L., Godshall, D., MacNab, M. and Teaster, P., National Guardianship Association Annual Conference, Kentucky, October.
Elder Mediation and Eldercaring Coordination: They are Not the Same Thing, Fieldstone,
ACR Elder Justice Initiative on Eldercaring Coordinator 28 Hour Training, Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L., Stetson University College of Law Center for Excellence in Elder Law, Florida, November.
Eldercaring Coordination: Innovation in Conflict Resolution for Elders and their Families, Park, Dixilene, Fieldstone, L, & Bronson, S., Ohio Dispute Resolution Conference, Columbus, March.
Get Your PH.D. in Parenting Education: Everything the Judiciary and Court Professionals Need to Know to Get the Most Out of your PC, Alfonso, M. Fieldstone, L., Firpi, M., Shapiro, H., Sczechowicz, E., Trainor, D., 11th Judicial Circuit Court Lunch & Learn, Miami-Dade, Florida, April.
Hot Topics in Elder Law: Cutting the Conflict for Elderly Care, Fieldstone, L. and Lottes, K., The Supreme Court of Ohio Mediation Division, Cincinnati Bar, Webinar, May.
Eldercaring Coordination. Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S., .International Symposium: Working with children and Families in the 21st century. Avant Tous, Les Enfants/Children Now Canada, Montreal, May.
Collaborative Divorce: Exploring the Possibilities for Families Struggling with DV and IPV, Heller, R., Fabricant, G., Fieldstone, L., Masters, P., Schneider, P., Wintz, L., Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, May.
Eldercaring Coordination: An Intergenerational Model of Conflict Resolution, Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S., Morley, M., United Nations Presentation in honor of 2018 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Moving from Awareness to Action through a Human Rights Based Approach: Focusing on Advancing Autonomy for Older Persons and Preventing Abuse and Neglect, New York, New York, June. Simulcast and on United Nations Archive: http://webtv.un.org/search/2018-world-elder-abuse-awareness-day-moving-from-awareness-to-action-through-a-human-rights-based-approach/5797702171001/?term=&lan=English&cat=Meetings/Events&sort=date&page=5
Cognitive Shifts in Eldercaring Coordination: Creating New Stories for Older Families, Fieldstone, L., Judge Morley, M., Bronson, S. & Parnell, T. Association for Family and Conciliation Courts, Washington DC, June.
Introducing an Intergenerational Model of Conflict Resolution for Families with Ageing Persons, Fieldstone, L, Morley, M., Martin, J, & Campbell, K., Symposium, International Federation on Ageing Global Conference, Toronto, Canada, August.
It Doesn’t Have to be This Way: Intervening in High Conflict Family Dynamics, Bronson, S., Fieldstone, L, & Yamout, K., International Federation on Ageing Global Conference, Toronto, Canada, August.
AFCC Task Force on Parenting Coordination Update, Carter, D. and Fieldstone, L., Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Orlando, Florida, September.
Til Death, Divorce or Guardianship Do US Part: Grey Divorces and Eldercaring Coordination, Dine, E., Fieldstone, L., Morley, M. and Nutter, K., Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Orlando, Florida, September.
FLAFCC Task Force on Family Court Intake: Coordinating a Comprehensive System for Florida Family Courts, Task Force Co-Chairs: Merlin, R., and Karlan, S., Fieldstone, L. Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Orlando, Florida, September (canceled in 2017 due to Hurricane Irma, to take place September).
Eldercaring Coordination: Influencing the Future of High Conflict Families, Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S., Association for Conflict Resolution, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October.
ACR Elder Justice Initiative on Eldercaring Coordination 28 Hour Training, Bronson, S. & Fieldstone, L., Ohio Supreme Court, Columbus Ohio, November.
Multi-directional and Intergenerational Effects of Gatekeeping with Children and Elders, Fieldstone, L., Drozd, L., and Auston, W., Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Child Custody Symposium, Denver, Colorado, November.
Eldercaring Coordination to the Rescue! Uncovering Family Loyalties, Secrets and Flying Accusation, Bronson, S., Fieldstone, L. Dolbin-McNab, Teaster, P., National Adult Protective Services Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August.
Collaborative Law Advanced Training: Domestic Violence, Beraja, L., Fabricant, C., Fieldstone, L., Merlin, R., Wintz, L. Zabel, S. Hon, Collaborative Family Law Institute, October.
Bringing Eldercaring Coordination to Your Community: Practical Guide from Early Lessons Learned, Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L, Association for Conflict Resolution, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October.
Melding Collaborative Law and Eldercaring Coordination for our Oldest Population Fieldstone, L.
and Merlin, R., International Association of Collaborative Professionals, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October.
Roundtable on Family Court Services: One Day Pre-conference Institute, Brandsma, S., Erikson, C.,
Fieldstone, L., Kelly-Arnes, Levitz, C., Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Regional Conference Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November.
Family Court Services Caught in the Middle: Understanding and Solving the Dilemma of Service Relevance, Fieldstone, L., Playton, D., Erickson, C.; Association for Family and Conciliation Courts Regional Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November.
Order in the court! Navigating conflict out of the courtroom, Fieldstone, L. & Morley, M., National College of Probate Judges Spring Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May.
PC to EC: Bringing harmony to families as the symphony is ending; Bronson, S., Fieldstone, L., Hagerott, J. & Morley, M., Association of Family and Conciliation Courts 54rd Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, May.
Eldercaring coordination, Fieldstone, L. & Morley, M., Florida Conference for Circuit Court Judges, July.
Association for Conflict Resolution Elder Justice Initiative on Eldercaring Coordination Training on Eldercaring Coordination, L. Fieldstone and S. Bronson, Lead Trainers, Ohio Supreme Court, Columbus Ohio, October.
Calming the Seas of Family Decision Making through Eldercaring Coordination; Fieldstone, L. & Morley, M., Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Conference, Orlando, Florida, September.
Intimate Partner Violence and Parenting Time: Integrated Forensic Evaluation Model; Austin, W. & Fieldstone, L., Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Conference, Orlando, Florida, September.
Eldercaring Coordination: A New Option for High Conflict Families; Bronson, S., Fieldstone, L., Kirtland, M. & Seal, Catherine, American Society on Aging Webinar, September.
Eldercaring Coordination: Adding Age Diversity into the Family Equation; Fieldstone, L. & Morley, M., Florida Dispute Resolution Conference, Orlando, Florida, August.
Modern Families Getting Older: The Evolution of Eldercaring Coordination; Bronson, S., Fieldstone, L. & Morley, M., Association of Family and Conciliation Courts 53rd Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, May.
Eldercaring Coordination; Bronson, S., Fieldstone, L., and Kirtland, M. Aging in America Conference, American Society on Aging, Washington DC, March.
Bringing Eldercaring Coordination to Your Community: Practical Guide from Early Lessons Learned; Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S. Association for Conflict Resolution 2015 Conference, Reno, Nevada, October.
Eldercaring Coordination is HERE: The Time Is NOW – Before It’s Too Late; L. Fieldstone and M. Morley, Florida Chapter of the Association for Family and Conciliation Courts 12th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, October.
Eldercaring Coordination; 2015 Annual Education Program of the Florida Conference of Judges, Tampa, Florida, August.
Parenting Time Opportunities for Children: Collaborative Efforts to Coordinate Child Support and Time Sharing, C. Fernandez, L. Fieldstone, V. Perez, T. Sanchez, Florida Chapter of the Association for Family and Conciliation Courts 12th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, October.
Association for Conflict Resolution Inaugural Training on Eldercaring Coordination, L.Fieldstone and S. Bronson, Lead Trainers, Ohio Supreme Court, Columbus Ohio, July 15-18.
Florida Chapter of the Association for Family and Conciliation Courts Inaugural Training on Eldercaring Coordination, L.Fieldstone and M. Morley, Lead Trainers, July 8-10.
Eldercaring Coordination: Opening the Door to ADR Options for Elders; S. Bronson, L. Fieldstone and M. Morley, Association for Conflict Resolution 14th Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, May.
Families Don’t Age Out; Fieldstone, L. and Morley, M.; Florida Chapter of the Association for Family and Conciliation Courts 11th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, October.
Breaking News: Emerging Rules and Legislation; Haworth, L., Morley, M., Fieldstone, L. and Firestone, G.; Florida Chapter of the Association for Family and Conciliation Courts 11th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, October.
New Options for Elders and their High Conflict Families: Update on an ACR Task Force; Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L.; Many Notes, One Symphony, Association for Conflict Resolution 14th Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, October.
When Families Age and the Conflict Continues: Eldercaring Coordination for High Conflict Cases; Morley, M. and Fieldstone, L.. The Challenge of Change, Florida Dispute Resolution Center 22nd Annual Conference, Orlando Florida, August .
Not Just a PC: ADR for High Conflict Cases with Elders and Vulnerable Adults; Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S.; Navigating the Waters of Shared Parenting: Guidance from the Harbour, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, May.
New Options for Elders and Their Families: Resolution for High Conflict Cases; Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S., American Bar Association Dispute Resolution Conference, Miami, Florida, April.
Drowning in High Conflict Cases? How Family Court Services Can Keep You Afloat, Fieldstone, L. and Karlan, S.; Riding the Wave of the Future: Global Voices, Expanding Choices, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Los Angeles, California, May.
Parenting Coordination in North America, Fieldstone, L, Kruzick, E., Salem, P. and Shienvold, A.; Building Bridges from Principle to Reality, 6th World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights,Sydney, Australia, March.
Keynote, Collaborative Divorce: Fitting the Pieces Together. Basic Collaborative Law Training, Miami, Florida, November.
Research and Practice: Gatekeeping. Fieldstone, L., Austin W., Kline Pruett, M. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts 10th Symposium on Child Custody Evaluations, Phoenix, Arizona, November.
The Future of Court ADR: Mediation and Beyond/Contemporary Practices Meeting These Needs. Fieldstone, L., Goetz, J., Macfarlane, J., Schephard, A., Olson, K., Marquette University Law School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September.
High Conflict Families in Divorce and Separation and Parenting Coordination: An Option for the Last Resort. Fieldstone, L. & Schephard, A., National Council for Juvenile and Family Court Judges, New York, New York, July.
Views of Parenting coordinators, attorneys and judiciary members: A case study concerning perspectives on parenting coordination. Fieldstone, L., Lee, M., McHale, J. Poster presentation at Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, June.
Training, skills and practices of parenting coordinators. Fieldstone, L. Carter, D., King, T. and McHale, J. Presented at International Congress of Psychology and the Law, March.
“Tailoring Parenting Plans to High Conflict Families,” William Austin, Ph.D., Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Hon. Linda Fidnick, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Custody Evaluation Symposium, Boston, Massechusetts, October.
“The Developing Landscape of Parenting Coordination,” Debra Carter, Ph.D., Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Ruth Angaran, MSW, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, May.
“Research to Practice: Florida’s Parenting Coordination Study,” Ruth Angaran, LCSW, Debra Carter, Ph.D., Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Regional Conference, Reno, Nevada, November.
“Bridging Families and the Court: A Successful Court and Community Collaboration,” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Hon. Judith L. Kreeger, James Pann, Ph.D., Belinda Paulcin, LCSW, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, May.
“Parenting Coordination: The Search for Consensus on Legislation and Court Policies,” Debra Carter, Ph.D., Lawrence Datz, Esq., Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Hon. Ray McNeal (retired), Florida Association of Family and Conciliation Courts annual Conference, February.
“Parenting Coordination: Innovations, Advanced Concepts, Practice and Program Development,” Matthew Sullivan, Ph.D., Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Pre-Conference Institute Eighth International Symposium on Child Custody Evaluation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September.
“Advanced Innovations in Parenting Coordination,” Debra Carter, Ph.D., Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed.,Hon. Judith Kreeger, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada. June.
“The Art of Grantsmanship,” Linda Fieldstone, Hon. Judith Kreeger, Marcelo Castro, Ph.D., Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June.
“Parenting Coordination: The Best Alternative for the Last Resort,” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Pat Edmister, Ph.D., Honorable Hugh Starnes, Ann Warshauer, American Bar Association Annual Conference, Dispute Resolution Section, Washington, DC., June.
“Ethical Practice for Parenting Coordinators,” Debra Carter, Ph.D., Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., June.
“Domestic Violence and Abuse: Safety for Our Children, Our Communities, and our Families,” Linda Fieldstone, Moffet Malachi, and Shaina Fieldstone, Ntchisi, Malawi, Africa, August.
“Ethical Practices for Parenting Coordinators,” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Florida Dispute Resolution Conference, Orlando, Florida, August.
“Parenting Coordination and Domestic Violence,” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Honorable Hugh Starnes, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts/National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Regional Training Conference, Columbus, Ohio, September.
“Parenting Coordination and the Court,” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Nina Zollo, Esq., Association of Family and Conciliation Courts/National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Regional Training Conference, Columbus, Ohio, September.
“Birth of A Notion: Building a Successful Parenting Coordination Program,” Honorable Scott Brownell, Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Florida Family Court Conference, Orlando, Florida, August.
“What’s ‘PC’ in PC/Ethical Issues and Legislative Update,” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Steve Livingston, Ph.D., Robert Merlin, Esq., Nina Zollo, Esq., Florida Chapter of AFCC Sixth Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, November.
“PC Plagues, Problems and Prophecies,” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Debra Cater, Ph.D., Honorable Hugh Starnes, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts 43rd Annual Conference, Tampa Bay, Florida, June.
“Parenting Coordinators: Partners with the Court for High Conflict Cases,” Debra Carter, Ph.D., Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Honorable Hugh Starnes, American Bar Association Annual Conference, Dispute Resolution Section, Atlanta, Georgia, April.
“Parenting Coordination: Tough Questions, Hard Answers and Statewide Update,:” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Debra Carter, Ph.D. Lawrence Datz, Esq. and Greg Firestone, Ph.D., Florida Chapter of AFCC Annual Conference, Tampa, Florida, October.
“Developing Parenting Plans: Taking Our Knowledge to Action,” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Debra Cater, Ph.D., Florida Chapter of AFCC Annual Conference, Tampa, Florida, October.
“Parenting Coordination Workshop,” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Debra Carter, Ph.D., Florida Family Court Conference, Orlando, Florida, October.
“Parenting Coordination and Domestic Abuse,” Institute, Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Billie Lee Dunsford-Jackson, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Regional Training Conference, Breckenridge, Colorado, September.
“Connecting Parenting Coordination and the Courts,” Institute, Barbara Bartlett, Esq., Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Regional Training Conference, Breckenridge, Colorado, September.
“Parenting Coordination Institute,” Debra Carter, Ph.D., Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Hon. Hayworth, Nina Zollo, Esq., Annual Conference, Florida Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May.
“The Parenting Coordination Program: The Missing Piece of the Family Court Puzzle,” Pre-conference Institute, Claudia Arthrell, LCSW, Barbara Bartlett, JD, Debra Cater, Ph.D., Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Pre-conference Institute, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts 42nd Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, May.
“Developing Parenting Coordination Legislation,” Linda Cavallero, Ph.D., Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed. Lynelle Yingling, Ph.D., “Parenting Coordination Standards of Practice,” AFCC PC Task Force; Association of Family and Conciliation Courts 42nd Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, May.
“Reinventing the Wheel: Discovering and Developing Alternative Resources for Family Cases,” and “Alternative Methods of Resolving Family Disputes,” Annual Education Program of the Florida Conference of Circuit Judges, Amelia Island Plantation, Florida, December.
“How the PC Can Alleviate the Tension in Your Cases/11th Judicial Circuit Training for Attorneys,” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Miguel Firpi, Ph.D., Christy Hertz, JD, Honorable Judith Kreeger, Robert Merlin, JD, Helenann Shapiro, LCSW, Miami-Dade, Florida, November.
“Effective Parenting Plans: Building Blocks for a Successful Co-parenting Process,” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Michael Freeman, Honorable Margaret Steinbeck, Florida Chapter of AFCC Annual Conference, Tampa Florida, November.
“Parenting Coordination: Legislative, Ethical and Practical Update,” Debra Carter, Ph.D., Lawrence Datz, Esq., Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Honorable Ray McNeal, Florida Chapter of AFCC Annual Conference, Tampa Florida, November.
“Paving the Way for a Successful Parenting Coordination Program,” Claudia Arthrell, LSW, Barbara Bartlett, JD, Debra Carter, Ph.D., Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed.;
“Parenting Coordination Task Force Roundtable,” Christine Coates, JD, Barbara Bartlett, JD, Barbara Fidler, Ph.D., Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Matt Sullivan, Ph.D., Robin Deutsch, Ph.D.; “AFCC Chapter Roundtable,” Linda Cavellero, Ph.D., Fieldstone, M.Ed., Fredric Mitchell, Ph.D., Association of Family and Conciliation Courts 41st Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, May.
“One Child/Two Homes: Creating, Enhancing and Implementing Parenting Plans,” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Linking Forces XIII, 13th Annual Children’s Mental Health Conference, Miami-Dade, Florida, April.
“11th Judicial Circuit Mandatory Parenting Coordination Circuit Specific Training,” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Jonathan Jonasz, Esq., Honorable Judith Kreeger, Ana Martin Lavielle, Esq., Miami, Florida, November , ongoing curriculum facilitated to present with panelists including judge, attorney, Guardian ad Litem, first presentation November, bi-yearly thereafter.
“Introduction to Parenting Coordination,” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Honorable Judith Kreeger, Florida Psychological Association Annual Conference, Key Biscayne, Florida, October.
“Implementing a Court Based Parenting Coordination Program,” Barbara Bartlett, Esq.,Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Honorable Paul Bryan, Honorable Karen Cole, Florida Chapter of AFCC, Florida Parenting Coordination Training and Legislative Forum, August, 2003/also Chair of Conference.
“Avoiding the Hurricane of Divorce in a School Setting,” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed. Linking Forces XI, 11th Annual Children’s Mental Health Conference, Miami-Dade, Florida, May.
“Parenting Coordination Training” Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed., Debra Carter, Ph.D., Honorable Judith Kreeger, Miami, Barry University, Miami, Florida, February.
In addition, Ms. Fieldstone initiated the monthly Family Court Services Lunch and Learn Series for the 11th Judicial Circuit in 2015, providing quality training for judiciary and court staff as well as interdisciplinary professionals in the community including, but not limited to attorneys, mental health professionals, mediators, financial professionals, parenting coordinators, social investigators, psychologists, social workers, interpreters. For each event she coordinated educational credits for attorneys, mental health professionals, mediators (self-report), interpreters and financial advisors.
Ms. Fieldstone provided numerous circuit and Miami-Dade County trainings on services performed by FCS, parenting coordination. parenting plans and topics associated with children and separation/divorce, and domestic violence and abuse for the court and to organizations including the Miami-Dade County Public Schools and Administration, Miami-Dade Bar Association, Guardian ad Litem Program, Family Law Inns of Court, Florida Bar Association, Florida Psychological Association, Florida Judge’s Conference, Florida Family Court Conference, Florida Chapter of Association of Family & Conciliation Courts (FLAFCC), Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC), American Bar Association, Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, as well as eldercaring coordination for the Association for Conflict Resolution, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, American Bar Association Dispute Resolution Section American College of Probate Judges, Florida Conference of Circuit Judges, American Society on Aging.
Leadership and Professional Experience
2021: Ohio Supreme Court Commission on Dispute Resolution Parenting Coordination Workgroup
2020-*: Family, Relationship, and Marriage Education Works Steering Committee, Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood/Office of Family Assistance Grant
2017-19: AFCC Task Force on Parenting Coordination, Co-Recorder
2017-*: Collaborative Law Pro Bono Project, 11th Judicial Circuit, Florida
2016-*: Co-Chair Florida Chapter of AFCC Task Force Eldercaring Coordination Initiative
2017-*:FLAFCC Family Court Services Intake Task Force, Co-Chair
2016 -*: Co-Chair Association for Conflict Resolution Elder Justice Initiative on Eldercaring Coordination
2015: Family Court Services Work Group Lead, Access to Justice Project, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
2014: Chair, Association of Family & Conciliation Courts Family Court Resources Work Group
2013-14: Association of Conflict Resolution Task Force on Eldercaring Coordination, Co-Chair
2013-14: Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Task Force on Eldercaring
Coordination, Co-Chair
2013: AFCC Shared Parenting Think Tank/Closing the Gap: Research, Practice, Policy & Shared Parenting
2011-13: AFCC Task Force on Custody Evaluation and Domestic Violence
2012-*: AFCC Chapters Committee
2011-12: AFCC President
2009-*: FLAFCC Task Force on Social Investigation/Parenting Plan Evaluation Co-Chair
2008-*: FLAFCC Committee on Parenting Coordination Research (Phase ! and Phase II studies)
2007-09: FLAFCC Taskforce on Parenting Plans
2006: Created the AFCC Network on Parenting Coordination
2006-*: Florida Bar Committees related to parenting coordination statute and rule; joint committees with Florida Supreme Court on parenting coordination
2005: Florida Chapter of AFCC President (previously served as Secretary through President- Elect)
2004: Florida Supreme Court Workgroup on Parenting Coordination appointed by Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Barbara Pariente
2003: Florida Supreme Court Sub-Committee on Parenting Coordination/affiliated with the Children and Families in the Court Committee
2003: Florida Statewide Parenting Coordination Summit Chair
2003-05: AFCC Parenting Coordination Task Force member/Secretary
2003-05: AFCC Chapter Liaison (elected position, two terms)
2003-*: AFCC Board of Directors
2003-08: Florida Chapter AFCC Parenting Coordination Taskforce Chair/Co-Chair
2003-07: Florida Organization Collaborative Initiative Coordinator/Co-Chair
2003-07: Florida Chapter Parenting Coordination Interest Group Coordinator
2003: Florida Statewide Parenting Coordination Summit Chair
2002-3: FLAFCC Second and Third Annual Conference Coordinator/Chair
2001: Florida Chapter of AFCC Inaugural Conference Coordinator2000
2000: Florida Chapter of AFCC Founding member/Organizing Board member
Note *: Continuous service to present
2021: Trailblazer Award in Recognition of Trailblazing Role in Creation of Florida’s Eldercaring Coordination Statute, Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Concilation Courts
2021: Florida Supreme Court Dispute Resolution Center Appreciation Award for “outstanding contributios to the field of ADR in Florida over a significant period of time”
2019: Nominated for the AARP Purpose Award
2018: Hugh E. Starnes Community Services Award, Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (2nd time): for “Outstanding Service to Florida Families and the Family Law Community”
2018: Florida Supreme Court Sharon Press Excellence in ADR Award, in honor of visionary leadership, professional integrity and unwavering devotion to the field of alternative dispute resolution
2018: International Federation on Ageing Emerging Leader
2017: National College of Probate Judges Certificate of Appreciation
2016: Certified by the SAMHSA’s Gaines Center for Behavioral Health and Justice Transformation on Trauma-Informed Responses
2014: Hugh E. Starnes Community Service Award, Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
2013: 11th Judicial Circuit Miami-Dade County Certificate of Appreciation Award (“Outstanding Dedication and Willingness to Go Above and Beyond the Call of Duty for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, the Judiciary and the Citizens of Miami-Dade County”
2012: Family Court Services Nominated for Excellence Award, 11th Judicial Circuit
2012: Florida Psychological Association Achievement Award
2008: 11th Judicial Circuit Employee of the Year/11th Judicial Circuit, Miami-Dade County, Florida
2007: Outstanding Service Award/Florida Chapter of Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
2007: National Center for State Courts Institute of Court Management Program certification November
2006: Unit of the Year/11th Judicial Circuit, Miami-Dade County, Florida
2005: President’s Award/Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
2002: Employee of the Year Runner-Up, 11th Judicial Circuit
2002-*: Unified Family Board Advisory Committee, 11th Judicial Circuit (FLAG Group), Past Chair of Identifying Resources Committee and Co-Chair of Identifying and Developing Resources Committee
2001: President’s Award/ Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
2000-01: Presentation representing the 11th Circuit Family Court for the Miami- Dade County Knowledge Fairs:
First Prize; 2001: Second Prize
2000: Miami-Dade County Social Work Team of the Year
2000: Certified as Clinical Field Instructor for accredited master degree programs
2000: Service Award/Put Something Back Pro Bono
1999/01: Service Award/Miami-Dade County Bar Association
1999/01: Service Award/Annual View from the Bench, 2000, Inns of the Court,
1997: Certification as Supervisor in Administrative Capacity by Miami-Dade County
1996: Miami-Dade County Social Work Team of the Year Honorable Mention